Season 3, Episode 5- Imagination Meditation on John 12: 1-11 with Neil

Dear beautiful meditators,

Welcome to Season 3, Episode 5 of the podcast!

Today’s episode is an imagination meditation on John 12: 1-11 with Neil.

Each meditation we offer has three parts.

First, Neil will offer some exercises to help you find quiet readiness for meditation.

Second, he will guide you through the verses with plenty of space for your own contemplation.

And third, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts— if you are meditating with others—or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

If you want to join in, the link is It’s one of the ways we keep our community running! You can also send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,

the Shekina Garden Community.

Season 2 Episode 91- Imagination Meditation- Your Heart as a Room with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 91 of the podcast.

Today’s episode is an imagination meditation on Your Heart as a Room, with Rae. This meditation took place at Shambhala festival, so you may hear more noise in the background.

First, Rae will offer some exercises to help you find quiet readiness for meditation, and second, guide you through the imagination meditation with plenty of space for your own contemplation.

For the third part, we encourage you to process this time by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

This week, we will have a bonus version of this episode available on Patreon- it includes a little of Rae’s introduction from the meditation time at this music festival in Thailand, and a little blooper at the end. 😊

If you want to join in, the link is It’s one of the ways we keep our community running! You can also send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 90- Imagination Meditation on Luke 19: 1-10 with Ro

Dear beloved listeners,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 90 of the podcast.

Today’s episode is an imagination meditation on Luke 19:1-10 with Ro. This meditation took place at a local music festival, so there might be some noise in the background.

Each meditation we offer has three parts.

First, Ro will offer some exercises to help you find quiet readiness for meditation.

Second, she will guide you through the verses with plenty of space for your own imagining.

And third, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts— if you are meditating with others—or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

If you want to join in, the link is It’s one of the ways we keep our community running! You can also send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 84- Imagination Meditation on Mark 10: 46-52 with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 84 of the podcast.

Today’s episode is imagination meditation on Mark 10: 46-52 with Rae

First, Rae will offer some exercises to help you find quiet readiness for meditation, and second, guide you through the verses with plenty of space for your own contemplation, and with questions to help you imagine the scene.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 71- Imagination Meditation on Luke 19: 28-42 with Neil

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 71 of the podcast.

*** Friends, we have a special request for you. We are doing a bit of a relaunch over on Patreon, and we are in need of supporters. In this season, our little pool of contributors is not big enough to cover our monthly costs at Shekina Garden, so we are offering an invitation to jump in as a Patron. During this month and the month of September, all new patrons will receive a postcard in the mail, designed by Rae and with handwritten thank you note. We hope you will join us! ***

Today’s meditation is an imagination meditation on Luke 19:28-42 with Neil.

First, Neil will offer some exercises to bring your mind into a quiet space, and second, guide you through the imagination meditation with questions to help you enter in with your full senses.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 68- Imagination Meditation on the baptism of Jesus with Cate

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 68 of the podcast.

Today’s episode is an imagination meditation on Matthew 3:16-4:11 with Cate.

Cate will offer some exercises to help you find quiet readiness for meditation, then guide you through the meditation with help for you to use your imagination.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 66: Imagination Meditation on Jesus Washing the Feet of the Disciples

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 66 of the podcast.

Today’s meditation is an imagination meditation on Jesus washing the feet of his disciples in John 13 with Ro.

Ro will offer some exercises to bring your mind into a quiet space, then guide you through the meditation with guidance for using your imagination.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 45- Imagination Meditation on the Woman Who Touched the Hem of Jesus's Robe with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 45 of the podcast.

And… we’re back with new meditation episodes! We’ve begun guided meditation at Shekina Garden again after our smokey season break, and it’s so good to be back together.

Today we have an imagination meditation guided by Rae, on the healing of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’s clothes.

First, Rae will offer some exercises to bring your mind into a quiet space, then, second, she will guide you through the imagination meditation. Feel free to use all of your imagination today, like a little kid!

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 43- From the Archives- Imagination on Luke 10:25-37 with Neil

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Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 43 of the podcast. 

We’re pulling from the archives again today with this imagination meditation on the Luke 10:25-37 (the Samaritan who helped the injured man) , first published in October of 2018.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* I give the introduction on my own, since Ro is away for a couple of days. I talk a bit about the past week, including Christmas-size lunches, unconditional love, a few useful words, more weeding, and a bake sale. 

* Neil guides an imagination meditation on Luke 10:25-37. (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 09:03)

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram! 

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 42 - From the Archives- Imagination Meditation on the Baptism of Jesus with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 42 of the podcast. 

We’re still on break so we’re pulling from the archives again today with this imagination meditation on the baptism of Jesus with Rae, first published in December 2020 

First, Rae will offer some exercises to bring your mind into a quiet space, and second, she will guide you through the imagination meditation.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram! 

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 15- Meditation on A.C.T.S. prayer- 4/4 with Neil - Supplication

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 15.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 15 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; Part 4 of a four-part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘S’ in ACTS:  Supplication: with lstories from : John 1 and Mark 10

He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 11- Imagination Meditation on Luke 2: 41-52 with Neil

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 11.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 11 of the podcast! In this episode, Neil guides an imagination meditation on Luke 2:41-52.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,


Season 2 Episode 10- Imagination Meditation on Luke 18: 1-17 with Ro

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 10.png

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 10. In this episode, Ro guides an imagination meditation on Luke 18: 9-17. Enjoy.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful,


Season 2, Episode 5- Imagination Meditation on the Baptism of Jesus with Rae

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 ep 5.png

Hi friends!

This episode contains Rae guiding an imagination meditation based on the Baptism of Jesus.

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so grateful! 

Much love to you all,


Episode #85- Imagination Meditation on Luke 4: 14-21 with Ro


Dear beloveds,

How are you? I was just talking with some of our Shekina Garden fam fam about holding on during trials. Here we are, and God is faithful, God is good and with us. I pray that you can have some moments of feeling that presence while you meditate, and that the feeling continued on in your week.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I give a little intro, including all the birthdays and banana costumes, fixing up the veggie beds, and scavenger hunts.

* Ro guides an imagination meditation on Luke 4: 14-21. (If you want to skip to the meditation it’s at 10:20.)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.


~ Rae

Thank you so much for your support through Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is We are delighted by and thankful for every Patron.

Much love to you all. 

Episode #77- Imagination meditation on "Who is my neighbor?" with Ro


Hi friends

Today’s meditation is a lovely one and made us all think really deeply. I hope you enjoy.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I give a little intro, talking about roof building and book editing. 

* Ro guides an imagination on Jesus answering the question, “Who is my neighbor?” from Luke 10: 25-37

 (If you want to skip to the meditation, it starts at 4:48)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

~ Rae

Over the next few weeks, I’d like to highlight our need for ongoing support through Patreon. Your patronage helps us to keep going in our community, so thank you so much. The link is We are delighted and thankful for every Patron.

Much love to you all.

Episode #60- Imaginative Lectio Divina on Mark 14: 3-9 with Claire


Hi listeners and meditators! 

What a beautiful thing it is to start a new year. I love it. I’m one of those people who truly enjoys a blank page and a new vision. 

May this year be a year of incredibly close connection with God for you. I know that I am examining my habits and hoping for more prayer, more meditation, more rest, and more awareness of the goodness of God and his love for me.

Here’s what to expect in this episode:

* Ro and I chat about our epic Christmas celebration and the past weeks, including epiphany, not running out of food, and welding. 

* Claire guides an imaginative lectio divina meditation on Mark 14: 3-9. If you want to skip to the meditation, it starts at 11:10)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

May you find rest and peace as you go through your days. Love to everyone!

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #57- Imagination Meditation on Matt 5: 1-7 with Claire


Hi beautiful ones,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode:

* Ro and I chat about the week, including talk about Christmas and a Thanksgiving feast.

* Claire guides an imagination meditation on Matthew 5:1-7, reading from the Message version.

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 08:10.)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Love and love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #53- Imagination Meditation on John 2: 13-22 with Ro


Hi friends,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about this past week at Shekina Garden, including a power outage, juggle jam, and devotion circle.

* Ro guides an imagination meditation on John 2: 13-22.

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 06:40 but don’t skip the intro because you won’t hear Ro’s description of chopping ingredients for salsa!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Don’t forget to send us your photos of your meditation moments or circles,

Many blessings to all of you,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #52- Lectio Divina :: Verses on the Voice of God with Rae


Hi friends,

 Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about our week, including a benefit evening, my new book, and the mosquitoes that are biting us.

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on the theme of the voice of God.

The verses I used were: 

Job 37: 1-3

Psalm 29: 3-8

Ezekiel 10: 5, 43: 2

1 Kings 19: 11-13

Matthew 3: 17

John 10: 4

Revelation 3: 20

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:13 but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss all the talk of bats!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

We mentioned my new book in the intro. Here’s a link you can follow to find it. 

Much love,

~ Rae


The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!