Season 2 Episode 45- Imagination Meditation on the Woman Who Touched the Hem of Jesus's Robe with Rae

Season 2 Episode 45- Imagination Meditation on the Woman Who Touched the Hem of Jesus' Robe with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 45 of the podcast.

And… we’re back with new meditation episodes! We’ve begun guided meditation at Shekina Garden again after our smokey season break, and it’s so good to be back together.

Today we have an imagination meditation guided by Rae, on the healing of the woman who touched the hem of Jesus’s clothes.

First, Rae will offer some exercises to bring your mind into a quiet space, then, second, she will guide you through the imagination meditation. Feel free to use all of your imagination today, like a little kid!

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 27- Lectio Divina on Psalm 18: 1-6, 16 and 19 with Rae

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 27.png
Season 2 Episode 27- Lectio Divina on Psalm 18: 1-6, 16, 19 with Rae

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 24 of the podcast. 

Today’s meditation is a is a Lectio Divina on Psalm 18: 1-6, 16 and 19 with Rae.

This meditation has three parts, with Rae guiding you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with lots of space between the verses.

For the third part, we encourage you to process your meditation by sharing your experience and thoughts if you are meditating with others, or journaling or recording your experience in some way if you are meditating on your own. Enjoy!

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

Follow us on Instagram!

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Season 2 Episode 12 - Meditation on A.C.T.S. Prayer 1/4 - Adoration- with Neil

Shekina meditation podcast Season 2 E 12.png
Season 2 Episode 12- Meditation on ACTS prayer 1/4 - Adoration - with Neil

Dear friends,

Welcome to Season 2 Episode 12 of the podcast. 

We have something special today; the beginning of a four part series on the ACTS way of prayer with Neil.

This week Neil guides a meditation on the ‘A’ in ACTS:  Adoration: with lectio divina from Romans 11:33-36.

He’ll guide you through some exercises to help bring your mind into a quiet space, and then through the meditation, with some guiding questions.

I loved this series, and I hope you do, too. 

Here’s our Spotify link.
Here’s the podcast on iTunes.

Here’s the episode on YouTube.

One of the ways we fund our community is through the support we receive on Patreon! If you want to join in, the link is, or send a donation through

We are so thankful for your support,

Much love,


Episode #47- Lectio Divina on Isaiah 40: 28-31 with Rae

Episode #47- Lectio Divina on Isaiah 40: 28-31 with Rae

Hi beautiful ones. I’m on a little road trip, AND regular rhythms are not happening at the garden due to flooding, hence the late podcast episode. 

However, here are some things to think about: rivers, seas, smiles, music, carrots, and apples. Also trees. 

In the story of the Prodigal Son, the father told the older son, “All that I have has always been yours.” He said this because the older son was having a hard time, feeling like he worked hard and was left out of the party.

Whether or not you feel like that, it is always true for you. 

All that I have has always been yours.

 The sky, that pool of rainbowy water on the ground (don’t drink it, but you can look at it), the friendly dog who comes to say good morning. 

It belongs to our father, so it is ours, when we reach out for it. When we receive love through it. When we treasure what we have, no matter where on earth we are roaming. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro offers a ground level insight into the flood, as well as talking about dear friends who are on their way and what’s been going on in Pai.

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on Isaiah 40: 28-31. 

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:10 but don’t skip the intro! It’s delicious.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I really love you, thank you for listening. 

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #46- Contemplation of Nature with Chinua

Episode #46- Contemplation of Nature with Chinua

Well, finally!

I’m happy to be getting this podcast episode up. 

We’ve had a wild couple of weeks, with three floods overcoming our garden. The last one was the highest and the most disappointing, as some of our superhero Shekina fam had commenced with a LOT of cleaning.

Rainy season is not always like this, but we’re learning about patience and acceptance, I think, through this rainy season.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* I talk a little about the flood and our beautiful bhajan night at a chai shop in town. (Indian traditional worship songs- these ones have been compiled and written by friends and Jesus devotees.)

* Chinua guides a contemplation of nature meditation.

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 09:10 but don’t skip the intro! It’s not a soggy donut.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Stay dry friends.

Love to you all,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #44- Many Version Lectio Divina on John 8:12 with Ro

Episode #44- Many Version Lectio Divina on John 8:12 with Ro

Hello Friends, 

It’s so so rainy out! The kind where the ground is soaked and algae is growing on the stones, and you slip and slide and try to keep your balance, but end up looking like you’re doing interpretive dance, just walking down the street.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about the week (mistakenly calling this episode 45- it’s actually Episode 44) while sitting in a café, including new roof hats at the garden, tiny biting flies, and my trip to Mae Sot, where I visited my friends from The Charis Project, an organization that provides education and support for under-served migrant families. You can check them out here. 

* Ro guides a form of Lectio Divina where she reads John 8:12 in a lot of different versions, with a lot of space in between each reading. It’s a great way to truly soak in one verse.

The order of versions she uses are:

New Living Translation

The Message

The Passion Translation

The Voice

English Standard Version

(If you want to skip to the meditation, it’s at 07:17 but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss the lulling sounds of rain behind our dulcet tones.) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Be loved and blessed dear friends!

Love to you all,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #38- Contemplation of Nature with Ro

Episode #38 - Contemplation of Nature with Ro

Hi friends, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about our week, including an embodiment workshop, immigration adventures, and the beauty of God in the midst of bureaucratic headaches.

* Ro guides a contemplation of nature meditation.

(If you want to skip to this, it’s at 10:55, but don’t skip the intro because you’ll miss some deep theological musings :) ) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray this week that you hear the still small voice of God during the days and the nights. 

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #36- Lectio Divina on the theme of peace with Ro

Episode #36- Lectio Divina on the theme of peace with Ro

Hi beloveds, 

I’m getting the podcast out after a day of unpacking at our new house, as well as a bit of puzzle time with Christy. Good times. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*Ro and I chat about the week, including a labyrinth, moving strong people, and singing our hearts out.

*Ro guides a Lectio Divina meditation on the theme of peace. 

She reads from Ezekiel 37:26-27, Philippians 4:6-7, John 14:27, Romans 5:1, and Romans 15:13. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 07:47, but don’t skip the intro because there are night sounds! Night sounds!) 

Here’s a shot of the labyrinth Joshua made at Shekina Garden.

Here’s a shot of the labyrinth Joshua made at Shekina Garden.

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray that this would be a week of many, many tiny beautiful things for you.

Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you!

Episode #32- Lectio Divina on Psalm 23 with Mili.

Episode #32- Lectio Divina on Psalm 23 with Mili.

Hi beloveds, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*In the introduction, I share a little about the beginning of the new season. 

* Mili guides a Lectio Divina on Psalm 23. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 06:26, but don’t skip the introduction because I love you!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

Surround one another with kindness this week, friends. 

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. We need it! So, thank you! Special thanks this week to our new patron, Anne!

Episode #29- Lectio Divina on Matthew 11: 25-30 with Neil

Episode #29- Lectio Divina on Matthew 11: 25-30 with Neil

Hi beautiful ones, 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

*I chat a bit about the quiet season of Pai, as well as talking about worry and its phantom suffering.

* Neil guides a lectio divina meditation on Matthew 11:25-30. (If you want to skip to this, it’s at 05:30, but don’t skip the introduction because it is pinker than a flamingo!) 

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

My brother, sister-in-law, and two nieces are still with us! I’m a blessed girl. Today we have plans to go and play water in the streets for Thai New Year. I pray that this week, you find a way to play!

Many blessings,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. This week we want to welcome our new patron with a big thank you! Thank you Alecia Zoccoli! You are wonderful. xo

Chai Wallah


Chai garam! Chai garam!

I sit on the beach for a Nature Meditation when the chai wallah's voice comes to me on the wind. He carries a silver urn of hot spiced tea. His young son, bouncing along next to him like an energetic puppy, carries a long bag of paper cups, and joins his dad in the call:

Chai garam! Hot chai! Hot chai!!

He makes it a game, his dad calls out and he calls out after him, echoing the pitch and cadence:

Chai garam! Chai garam!

People sitting in the sand watching the sunset give a small nod, and the man and son rush over, offering cups and pouring sweet, hot chai for each customer.

Hot chai! Good chai!

And suddenly it hits me: God is like a chai wallah.

Coming to us, God approaches with joy, telling us of blessings. All we have to do is give a little nod, signal to the Divine our openness, our readiness to receive, and God is there. Ready with sweetness. Blessing us, pouring out gifts.

Hot chai! Good chai! Chai garam!!


(A post by Ro)

Episode #20 - Imagination meditation on John 11 with Neil


Hi beautiful ones. I hope you’re keeping warm wherever you are. It’s chilly here, but we’re admittedly soft. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I talk about how we feel about reaching episode 20 of the podcast, tree signs, Vanna White, a Devotion Circle on spirituality and play, and birthdays. 

* Neil guides an imagination meditation from John 11. If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 09:46. (But don’t, because the introduction is not a waste of beans.)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I’m thinking about unity and love this week. I pray that you’re feeling loved, wherever you are. 

 Much love,

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free.

Episode # 9 - Lectio Divina on Zephaniah 3:14-17 with Ro

Zephaniah 3: 14-17 with Ro

Hi! I’m away at a women’s retreat so this episode is going out a day late. Sorry about that! The time here has been beautiful and restorative, though. I’m thankful for every bit of beauty in the gardens around here, for weather that is cooling down and for so many beautiful people in the world.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I have a little chat about a Very Special Visitor, a worship circle, the extra audio for this month, part singing, and weeds like trees (again.)  

* Ro guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Zephaniah 3: 14-17. (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 10:18)

Here’s the episode on iTunes. 

Here it is on Youtube.

I pray that this week you would notice the beautiful light of morning each day. Be well, dear ones.

~ Rae

Episode #7 - Imagination on Luke 8:22-25 with Miri.

Shekina Meditation Podcast #7 - 10:19:18, 6.21 PM.m4a

I just drove a car load of teenagers to a youth retreat and now I’m recovering from a very chatty four hours in the car, posting this in a quiet space. (Aaahhh.) I love those kids.

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about the last week, including community lunches that have been full to the brim, dance meditation, planting seeds, forgetting about the sun, and a beautiful Devotion Circle.

* Miri guides an imagination meditation on Luke 8: 22-25. (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 09:13)


*Also, during the introduction, I talked about an art piece that my fourteen-year-old daughter did in response to a dance meditation this week. Here it is:


Here’s the episode on iTunes. 

Here it is on Youtube.

Here’s the podcast and blog Facebook page.

I pray that you feel scads of joy this week, wherever you are. 

~ Rae

The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. 

Episode # 6 : Lectio Divina on Psalm 126 with Rowan

Shekina Meditation Podcast #6 - 10:12:18, 12.44 PM.m4a

This week I’m posting from theRiver Gathering in Chiang Mai. It has been such a full week, so full to the brim with goodness and thoughts and connections that we are overflowing. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode:

* Ro and I talk a little about the gathering, including dance meditation, wrestling contests, new and old connections, and amazing worship. 

* Ro guides a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 126. (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 08:30)

Here’s the episode on iTunes. 

Here it is on Youtube.

We have a Facebook page up if you want to follow us there.

May all the love and mercy you need flow freely to you and through you this weekend. Much love.

~ Rae


The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free to travelers and spiritual seekers from around the world.

Episode #4 : Imagination meditation on the woman who touched the hem of Jesus' robe, with Rae

Shekina Meditation Podcast #4 - 9:28:18, 6.03 PM.m4a

(Rae here.)

We’ve been so busy with life but one of the gems right now is being able to guide meditation. I hope today’s meditation speaks to you.

Here’s what to expect in this episode:

*Ro and I have a short chat about life right now including rainbow salad, contact dance, city life, and being glad to be home. 

*I guide an imagination meditation based on the story of the woman who came and touched the hem of Jesus’s robe. (She was so brave.) (If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 07:05)

Here’s the podcast on iTunes. 

Here it is on Youtube.

We have a Facebook page up if you want to follow us there.

Many blessings for the weekend. Love one another and remember that you are so, so loved.

Episode #3 of the Podcast! Imagination meditation on John 13:1-17 with Neil

Shekina Meditation Podcast #3 - 9:21:18, 5.16 PM.m4a

Hi everyone, this is Rachel. I hope you have had an excellent week!

The podcast is live on iTunes, so you can subscribe there if you like!

Here’s what to expect in Episode 3 of the podcast:

I tried something new this week and created this episode without any background music. We normally meditate without music. Let us know what you think about the difference. Music? No music? 

* Ro and I do an update of life around here this week, including uncles, camping dreams, housecleaning, and a quiet week.

* Neil guides us in an imagination meditation on John 13:1-17 (If you want to skip straight to this part, it’s at 08:34.) 


The Youtube version is here :)


The podcast will always be free, but you can support us on and get extra audio each month. We're so thankful for your support, which helps our communities to offer this kind of meditation and other Christ-centered practices for free. 

A Little Breath

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Here at Shekina Garden we are taking a little breath.

For two weeks we are halting most of our regular rhythms at the Garden. It is school holidays for the kids. One family is away for a holiday with visiting parents. Jazzy and his Dad Joshua need to go to Laos for a visa run. And we are preparing a Gathering for theRIVER - a whole bunch of communities like ours, coming together in Chiang Mai in a few weeks time. There will be folks coming from all over the world to think about community and faith and travel and Jesus. Just the best sort of gathering!

Soon the season here will start to ramp up, as the rains stop and the weather cools down. Already, friends are starting to return for the part of the year that they live here. We have joyous reunions with friends we see each year. And I realise the sweetness in both the seasonal friendships - where we are apart for half the year and get to catch up on each other’s very different lives; and also the friendships that go all through the year - the ones we cough with during the dry burning season, and sweat with during green season.

We all do different things when we take a seasonal break like this. Some folks like to give their homes a big spring clean (autumn/fall clean?). The kids don’t have school so there are more fun holiday-type adventures to be had. There is a little bit more time for other projects or study, creating or reading. We get together with friends for bible reading circles, or coffee, or board games.

Our regular work is so good. We love it so much! Our meditations, gardening days, meals together, devotion circles. Beautiful practices that require our full selves. But if we keep doing them all year without any break, it can feel like we are on a wheel that never stops, as Rae says. And that isn’t such a nice feeling. So before High Season is upon us, with all its energy and visitors and events, we make an opportunity to take a breath. To look around at all that has been going on. To thank God for what has been happening around us and in us. It is good to stop, and to breathe long and deep.

(A post by Ro)

(A post by Ro)

Gardener's Paradise.

It was our own form of shopping spree and we were in heaven. 

“It’s gorgeous… I’ll take four,” is a phrase that doesn’t come out of my mouth very often. Nor do I exult in shopping sprees. Except, unless… I am in the Kamthieng Market, a blocks long garden market in Chiang Mai. Basically, shop after shop has the most gorgeous plants and trees and flowers for sale. It is a hippie’s paradise. We could have spent days there, but we limited ourselves to a few hours, roasting in the hot sun, (Leaf and I bought sombreros to keep our heads cool) while Brendan kept the kids in the air conditioning at the Tesco Lotus nearby. He watched as the kids played in the playground and stormed the arcade. We, meanwhile, stormed the garden market, determined to make the garden of our dreams.

“Avocado trees?” 

“Yes, let’s take more of them!” 

“What about these wildflowers?”

"We have to have pomegranates!"

“Let’s get three kinds of mango tree.”

“What are lamyai?” “Oh, they’re small fruit, really good. Let’s get one!” 

The enthusiasm was crazy. I quickly took photos of all the little trees, labeling them in my phone so we wouldn't forget which was which.

We are planting trees at Shekina Garden, and for the first time ever, all of us in our little community got on the curvy, sick-making bus ride to go to Chiang Mai so that we could buy trees together. We piled into the back of a song taew, which took us through the city to the market. Plants. Flowers. Heaven. We bought a lot of fruit trees that will take years to bear fruit. We bought climbers and ten crepe myrtle trees to stretch along the front of the garden, blocking the view of the new resort that is being constructed directly opposite us. (One day—the crepe myrtles are still pretty short.) When we got home I found a nursery in my yard, trees upon trees. We have planted many of them and every Friday, during gardening time, we plant more. Planting trees is always good, always right, and doing it together is a lot of fun. And a lot of work, but what beautiful work. 

(This post was cross-posted at Journey Mama)

A Thin Layer

The evenings have been otherworldly, lately. A drape of thin cloud hangs over the valley, and as the sun goes down, the clouds pull the light into them, refracting a golden glow onto everything you can see. An extra bit of brilliance just before the light disappears, like a thousand invisible lamps being turned on at once. We were sitting in the sala at Shekina Garden yesterday, finishing up with meditation, bamboo leaves rustling in a strong breeze. Brendan began riding Nay’s bicycle in circles around the garden, testing it or something, I never did find out.  “It’s like the Wizard of Oz,” our friend Beau said. “And look, he’s riding a bicycle out there.” Brendan did make quite a sight, green and golden in the weird light, cycling on the grass. 

We were drinking kombucha and I felt the kind of happy settledness that meditation brings me. We lingered, the light keeping us there, our little conversations blinking on and off. We talked about light therapy and skateboarding, and then I told some stories about the Catholic shrines in Goa, out of nowhere, related to nothing. Snippets of memories. Leaf and I walked back over the bridge together, then lingered longer beside the river, talking. We meant to head in different directions, but we were caught there, talking by the river, as the light got dimmer and dimmer and finally it was gone before I even pulled away, my headlights guiding me along the narrow street. 

Earlier in the day we had looked at land, dreaming of a future with a bigger retreat center in it. Chinua is recording everything lately, every moment, so I drove while he held the video camera and we followed Brendan and Leaf on their red motorbikes, which are forty years old and aptly named Big Red and Little Red. It was all ridiculously photogenic—Brendan with his waist-length dreadlocks and Leaf with her brilliant hair on these old, beautiful bikes. They drove side by side and chatted. Chinua filmed it all. (Filmed? Is there a different word for that these days?) 

I left quickly when I realized I was late for my afternoon tea with my friend Rowan Tree. Ro and I ate cake. We ate too much cake, the pieces were twice as big as we thought they would be. I offered Chinua some when he wandered into the café later and groaned that he couldn’t go anywhere anymore without bumping into us. He looked at me suspiciously. We are competing to reach our weight goals, (people still ask me if I’m pregnant, nearly every day) and we have been known to offer each other food as a weapon because we both want to win. But I really just wanted him to enjoy the cake with me and eat it because it was too much. He took a bite and disappeared. Ro and I talked about learning Thai and how it can be an obsession, words tumbling over each other in your brain until you think you will go crazy. I was nervous about guiding meditation because I’ve been using up a lot of my courage lately and it seems to be finite, though rechargeable. I’m not usually anxious about guiding meditation but this time I was and Rowan Tree set me at ease as she clutched her stomach and groaned “I ate too many snacks…” 

We went to my house and I finished making dinner so it would be ready while I was away and Josh was watching the kids. Once the salsa was made and the lettuce was cut, we rode off to sweep the floor of the meditation space and put the mats out. Our friends began pulling up one by one on their scooters and the sunlight slipped further along the red floor as we settled in a circle and began. 

God is our refuge and strength.

Sometimes there is difficult work to do in community. I think this particular group of friends has fooled me away from my firm belief that community is a kind of suffering. I start thinking it is all fun and games and playing in the mud and get careless. But in talking about what really matters to us and digging to find each other and dream together, a wild fear of being seen or unseen, changing beyond recognition or being misunderstood can rear its head. 

A very present help in trouble.

Past days, memories and fears and stumbling, clumsy love can make me retreat into myself, can tempt me to isolate myself. Maybe you are the same. But as soon as we try to run from the knife of suffering, the iron of community, we give up on the depth and truth of love. It is the same in marriage, in parenting. We flinch away from pain, but suffering guides us to new depths of understanding. We learn more of what God is doing as he writes his story among us. 

There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God…

We sat in the circle together, our minds close and far away, and birds sang above us, and one shrieking cicada tried for all our attention. 

God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved.

The evenings have been otherworldly, lately. A drape of thin cloud hangs over the valley, and as the sun goes down, the clouds pull the light into them, refracting a golden glow onto everything you can see. 

*From Psalm 46

This post was cross-posted at Rae's blog: Journey Mama.