Episode #11 - Lectio Divina on Psalm 13 with Rae


I’m writing this late on a Friday night. In many ways it has been a great week. Today I found a road I had never explored and filled my eyes with the beauty of this valley. But there was a lot of sorrow in the news this week as well, and it caused me to search out the Psalm that begins, How long oh Lord? That’s what I have for you today. 

Here’s what to expect in this episode of the podcast:

* Ro and I chat about the week, including sitting around in offices waiting, thankfulness, rugby kids, sowing flowers, and harvesting roselle. 

* I guide a Lectio Divina meditation on Psalm 13. If you want to skip straight to this, it’s at 09:00. 

Here’s the show on iTunes

Here’s the episode on Youtube.

I pray that you will know the gentleness of God’s love for you, all through every day.


~ Rae