An Overview of Shekina Meditation.

Shekina is an ancient word used by rabbis to describe the dwelling of God in and around the temple. It basically what you said when God was palpably and undeniably present. 

Jesus taught that it is possible for this same Divine Presence to dwell inside of us. Remember all that amazing stuff about being in him and him being in us? Its all over the 14th chapeter of John.

In Christ cenetered meditation we try to understand and experience that connection through intentionally creating silence. We strongly believe in developing a listening ear.

Other traditional christian disciplines like prayer, worship and study develop us spiritually. Yet the way that mediation contributes to spiritual depth and well being is quite profound and clearly different. This old and healthful discipline is now being explored by many Christians, we are no exception.

By use of the Holy Scriptures of the Jewish and Christian tradition, we intend to create a place for the Divine Presence to speak to the individual heart, while also speaking to us as a community seeking the Divine Presence.

Shekina Meditation is not teaching in the traditional sense of a teacher instructing the listeners, but a place where the Divine Presence is the Teacher. It is not a platform to preach or give a message, but rather a place for the Divine Presence to instruct, illuminate and transform.

We are availible to share our practice with you in a growing number of locations. We want to share this simple discipline with and and all who have a desire to get closer to God in a way that is intimate, personal, and achievalble. Please contact us and find out more!

Links to Posts on Meditation:


Meditation Series Part One: The Order of Shekina Meditation